Make Sense of all this Review Data
In a few clicks, using just one of many features, you can find exactly what the product does well and what needs to be improved (see video below)
We’ve reached the point where our CPG clients now drive majority of the implemented features. Our platform is built for you by your peers.
Our focus is to automate customer feedback/reviews research, analytics and provide intelligent answers to the most important questions around product performance.
Template library
Not all templates are created equal. Salient offers access to a perpetually updated library of professional section templates, with currently over 400 to choose from — all created with passion and held to a high standard for aesthetic quality.
“Quote Packed with Innumerable features that are usually not found in a single WordPress theme. We recommend the Salient WordPress theme to those users who”
Visual page builder
Build like it’s 2024. Experience a high-performing, modern take on the WPBakery page builder — The editor you already know, but with supercharged power to handle complex designs and the flexibility to create any type of website.
- Set option values unique based on screen size
- Sidebar & modal editing layout options
- Visually intuitive graphical settings UI
- Front-end & back-end editors
- Reusable global sections
- Tree-list element view
Premium elements
A unique collection of over 65 elements that make building a beautiful site easy. The Salient element set brings the latest web trends to your fingertips without any coding needed. We actively seek to bring fresh innovation by pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on the web.